October 27, 2015

Communication Plan

This time's tutorial is to analyze three main objectives:

1. How to select the proper communication plan?
Types of communication plans
Steps of the different communication plans
Target audiences 

2. How to implement a communication plan successfully? Case studies

3. Measuring and monitoring
Different types of measuring
Effectiveness of different types of measuring and monitoring

1 How to select the proper communication plan?
1.1 Types of communication plans
Three main types of communication plans are: internal, external, crisis communication plan which sort of mix of internal and external => constant flow of information among all stakeholders.

Internal business communication plans represent messages intended only for those stakeholders (owners, managers, and employees) inside a business.
Different types of communication methods such as telephone, e-mail, conferences, or face-to-face meetings and reviews.
Outside users are rarely active in this communication plan as message content may be highly secretive and contain sensitive business information.

External business communication plans are simply the opposite of the above plan; external stakeholders needing information use it.
Owners and executives are often highly involved with these plans to ensure no negative messages or tones are sent to outside stakeholders.

A crisis communication plan is a special form that works only during a crisis experienced by the business.
Having crisis business communication plans in place allows a company to create a mixed communication channel.
This ensures that a company can communicate its responses to crises to both internal and external stakeholders effectively (wiseGEEK)

1.2 Steps of a communication plan 
Deciding Whether or Not to Outsource Communications Planning : decide who to hire? what to look for? where to find vendors? what is the expected budget?

Steps Involved in Creating a Communications Plan:

Provide the situational analysis: give a reason for the implementation of the communication plan, look at the previous plan and compare its impact, show the realistic situation.
Determine objectives: what is the possible outcomes and how to meet them. use SMART elements during the process which are 
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic
  • Timely
Identify target audiences: To profile target audiences, it is necessary to understand how audience evaluates the benefits and understand the sociodemographic profile of the target audiences to estimate the purchasing power
Develop key messages: carefully consider the communication channels and select the most important messages to deliver and develop. Messages should be understandable, simple, memorable. Messages can be testing on target audiences.
Choose strategies and tactics: a strategy refers to the overall picture of how to achieve objectives and  tactics refer to exactly how your strategy will be implemented.
Select communication channels: should be applicable to the key messages the company wants to communicate including social media, the press, television, radio and face-to-face communication.
Estimate the budget
Establish partnerships: consider who the partners (e.g. organisations or businesses) to help with the provision of additional resources or advice
Assign responsibility and accountability: determine who is going to take responsibility for implementing each part of the communication plan
Implement the plan: determine all the steps which need to be taken to ensure an objective is met. and assign resources, staffing needs and deadlines to each step to ensure its completion
Evaluation and mid-course correction: e.g. to see whether the chosen targets, channels, etc. are right (Connect4action)

Source: https://bch.cbd.int/protocol/outreach/wallacefoundation.pdf 

1.3 Target audiences
Who to reach? Knowing the audience makes it possible to plan communication logically. Different messages for different groups, and different channels and methods to reach each of those groups.

Demographics: are simply basic statistical information about people, such as gender, age, ethnic and racial background, income, etc.
Geography: might focus on a whole town or region, on one or more neighborhoods, or on people who live near a particular geographic or man-made feature.
Employment: people in a particular line of work, or in people who are unemployed.
Health: people at risk for or experiencing a particular condition – high blood pressure, perhaps, or diabetes – or might be a health promotion effort – “Eat healthy, exercise regularly” – at the whole community.
Behavior: target message to smokers, for example, or to youth engaged in violence.
Attitudes: trying to change people’s minds, or bring them to the next level of understanding?
Another aspect of the audience to consider: direct communication (affects behavior, knowledge, or condition); or indirect communication in order to influence a population, it has to aim your message at those to whom they listen – clergy, community leaders, politicians, etc. (Community Tool Box)

2. How to implement a communication plan successfully and how to measure it? 
Set goals with specific strategy:  make goals clear, concise, and concrete. Goals have to be shared, refined, and communicated, to all interested parties. Collaboration at the initial planning stage means more creativity and ultimately more success.

E.g. Not: "Increase participation of the employee annual survey," but, "Increase the annual employee survey participation by 50 percent and create and execute action plans by all organizations to address any issues that rank at two or below by May 30, with the overall goal of reducing turnover by 7 percent in 2014."

Be proactive, not reactiveDo the research, find captivating stories, understand the data, create compelling and targeted messages, and then successfully execute the plan.
Announcing an event date is fine, but explaining what you'll learn and why it's a "must attend" for your audience is considerably better.
Having a plan in place for crisis communications can save your reputation and your bottom line.

Choose metrics that matter: What's important is to have your marketing or social media efforts move the needle in relation to your overall goals.
Increasing the number of followers is nice, but selling more products or services, growing membership, or increasing donations for your nonprofit shows tangible results. Think conversions, not conversation.

Turn ideas into action: An implementation plan explores audience needs and interests, understands the competitive landscape, creates targeted messaging, establishes timelines, determines communication vehicles and activities, works within financial guidelines, establishes benchmarks and metrics, and outlines the staffing plan with clearly defined roles and responsibilities.

Consider an annual theme: This approach resulted in numerous impressions and increased the awareness of the company's products, as well as the personal brand of the top executive. Every event was tweeted (pre-event, during the event, and post-event), blogged about, re-presented on YouTube, and re-messaged for new audiences.
Each week a short "good news" story was told on various social media channels. People knew Friday was the day they could look forward to being inspired. People were engaged, stories were shared, followers greatly enhanced, and, most important, and donations doubled.

Don't file and forget: An effective communications plan is reviewed and refined weekly. Use it to start every weekly department meeting. Have only one version, and make it accessible—by way of a shared drive or in the cloud—to everyone responsible for implementation. As new events, products or services occur, add to the plan and determine new approaches and strategies (Denman, 2013).

Steps for an effective communication plan, Connect4action, http://www.connect4action.eu/toolbox/steps-for-an-effective-communication-plan#faqnoanchor. Accessed: 26.10.2015
Developing a Plan for Communication,Community Tool Box, http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/participation/promoting-interest/communication-plan/main. Accessed: 26.10.2015
What Are the Different Types of Business Communication Plans, WiseGEEK, http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-the-different-types-of-business-communication-plans.htm. Accessed: 26.10.2015
Denman, M., G., 2013. 6 must-haves for an effective communication plan, http://www.ragan.com/Main/Articles/6_musthaves_for_an_effective_communication_plan_46393.aspx. Accessed: 26.10.2015

October 3, 2015

Crisis Communication and Reputation Management

Last discussion was about Visual Brand Identity and how important it influenced the audience's point of view about the company. This time we started the new trigger with very interesting topic about Crisis Management and how to overcome the situation of crisis if it happens.

Learning objectives including asking three questions:
1. How to prepare for a crisis (Pre-)
• Is it possible to be prepared for a crisis?
• Recognizing the signs

2. Crisis communication (During)
• Define the scale of the crisis.
• How to manage the communication during crisis? What to consider? External/ Internal

3. Effects of crisis (Post-)
• How to recover from a crisis?
• How to hold up the reputation post crisis? External/ Internal -> Social Media
1. How to prepare for a crisis
1.1 Is that possible to prepare for a crisis?
It very important to plan for crisis thoroughly from the beginning to be actively prepared for something can anytime happen to the company. Crisis management is even more essential for small companies since they lack of resources to deal with crises (Crisis Management and Business Continuity Planning)

Crises management could be conducted as following:
First we should understand that crises can happen anytime and by anyway. It might just suddenly come without intention. It comes from vulnerability to natural disasters e.g. September 11 event (Paul A. Argenti, 2013)

Conduct SWOT analysis is the first step for doing business. This helps the organization ready for many factors possibly affects the on-going operation in different stages. Strengths and weaknesses come from company's perspectives which is considered as internal factors meanwhile opportunities and threats come from external factors in the investing markets such as demands, customers' habits, culture differences if going global, etc.

Crisis management team should be formed to handle different events of crises. Crisis management team needs to be comprised of a team of people managing potential risks and specific responsibilities for example International Communications Manager, spokeperson, decision maker.

Set objectives for potential crises. There are many circumstances where risks occur intentionally or accidentially:
  • Natural disasters
  • Theft or vandalism
  • Fire 
  • Power cut
  • IT system failure 
  • Restricted access to premises 
  • Loss or illness of key staff
  • Terrorist attack
  • Crises affecting suppliers, customers, or after the business's reputation (Prepare for Crisis)
1.2 Recognizing the signs
According to article How to identify a crisis (2013), there are seven main signals to see the company potentially gets into crises:

  • An event causes concerns from unwanted media attention increasing high mentioning on internet, social channels, conversation, etc.
  • Incidents entail bad consequences like deaths, poisoning, relationship ruin, injury
  • Matters influence the production operation or stop the manufacturing activities of the whole processes
  • Behavior causes badly recognition of the company's reputation in general
  • Activities might lead to law enforces and legal issues related
  • Actions like rumors causing impact on financial performance and lower company's image
  • Some other signs: shares drop, loss in employee retention, government investigation, etc. 
Paul A. Argenti, Corporate Communication 2013, 6th edition, p262
Crisis Management and Business Continuity Planning article, Info Enterpreneurs website, http://www.infoentrepreneurs.org/en/guides/crisis-management-and-business-continuity-planning/ 
Prepare for Crisis article, Managing Crisis website, http://www.strengtheningnonprofits.org/resources/e-learning/online/managingcrisis/default.aspx?chp=1
How to identify a crisis article, EMA website 2013, http://www.mower.com/knowledge/how-to-identify-a-crisis/

2. Manage the communication during crisis
Internal issues:
Have a specific plan: plan what should take actions to recover the crisis.
  • Get control of the situation
  • Gather as much information as possible 
  • Set up management centre (Paul A. Argenti, 2013)
Keep employees informed: let workers know what is happening and what is the real situation not to create internal rumor and wrong communication
Communication with shareholders: not like customer communication, shareholder communication need to do separately. More importantly that info needs to be transparent. Some news internally to be updated to shareholders so that they grasp the situation and make their moves.

External issues:
Update frequently: it is essential to communicate with the audience about the truth, show how the company fixes and continuously develops despite the crisis.
Choose a good spokeperson: company needs to choose a person to speak out company's voice and to deliver consistent messages.
Communication with customers and suppliers: the company in crisis should consider carefully which piece of news to inform to customers and which for suppliers. For customers, suppliers and audience in general, information is delivered smartly to avoid losing reputation (Bruce Condit, 2014)
Social media: never forget to use social media properly as it could be a tool to approach audience. Communicate by social media can probably help the company reduce the attention of crisis (Bruce Condit, 2014)

Figure. Crisis Management 

Case study: 
The Gap was reported to use child labour for certain clothes manufacturing. As announced by president of the company that it influenced The Gap position. The key executives after had got suspended the problem came from India flew directly there to investigate the situation. Then The Gap had fired 23 suppliers and stopped using those clothes for seasonal purpose even it made loss. However, the company kept its reputation and made employees confident of leadership ability of the managers (Planning to manage your next crisis decisively and effectively)

Paul A. Argenti, Corporate Communication 2013, 6th edition, p270
Bruce Condit, 7 critical steps for crisis management article 2014, http://www.inc.com/bruce-condit/7-critical-steps-to-crisis-management.html
Ivey Business Journal website, Planning to manage your next crisis decisively and effectively article 2009, http://iveybusinessjournal.com/publication/planning-to-manage-your-next-crisis-decisively-and-effectively/
Figure, Bronzeye website, https://www.bronzeye.com/index.php/crisis-managment/

3. How to recover and hold up reputation post crisis?
An essential thing to do after a crisis is to evaluate the whole processes it has happened.
Firgure. Post-crisis evaluation

Admit and apologize for the mistakes: an organization has made and proved that the organization is trying to regain trust from audience.
E.g. When Tylenol suffered through the 1982 “Chicago Tylenol Murders” in which cyanide was slipped into many packages of Tylenol, they responded quickly and were praised for being “contrite and compassionate” by The Washington Post (cited from e-releases website).

Understand that it takes time: every hurt needs time to recover. A company after crisis should be strong and little by little rebuild its brand. Communication more often with audience enables to show the better picture of the company.

Put it down to experience: people can accept mistakes as no one nor no thing is perfect. It means that the company can gain forgiveness from the customers. They, however, hardly accept it happens again. Thus, take it to be a lesson and never let it happen the second time.

Move on and achieve higher leads: crisis may make the company wiser in decision making next time. That is one lesson to be used as a platform for developing in the future (Rebuilding trust after a crisis).

Figure, Rebuilding trust after a crisis, ShareSlide, http://www.slideshare.net/evolve24/rebuild-trustafteracrisisfinalpost
Rebuilding Your Brand's Reputation after a Crisis article, e-releases website, http://www.ereleases.com/prfuel/rebuilding-your-brands-reputation-after-a-crisis/